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How to show, recalculate and flip normals in Blender

In Blender, the normal is the direction a face is pointing. But you may also have heard the term "true normal". The true normal represents the actual direction of the normal, and when referring to just the normal, it can have an altered or changed value. The effect the normals have is the shading of […]

Dream textures: AI Texture Generator for Blender

AI artwork generators have become quite a powerful and useful tool for artists. Recently the Dream textures add-on has been developed for Blender and with this add-on, we can generate textures using AI by just typing in the texture we want. So how do we use it? To generate a texture with dream texture: To […]

How to create a leather material in Blender

Quite a few 3D models and renders include leather materials, especially furniture models and interiors. With that in mind at some point we'll likely want to create a leather material. To Create a Leather Material in Blender: In the rest of this article, we'll go over more detail on setting up our leather material using […]

What is backface culling and when is it useful in Blender?

Speeding up your workflow is essential when working on large projects, and Blender's many tools and settings truly help you to do so. One of these settings is backface culling, so let's see what it is and how it works! Backface culling automatically hides faces when they are viewed from their back side. To enable […]

What is fresnel in Blender and how do we use it

Fresnel, pronounced frenel, with a silent s is the effect where a reflective object's edge is highlighted as well as the angle of the view changing how reflective an object appears. Every surface has some amount of fresnel but rough materials tend to have a very diffuse reflection to them. Similar to actual Fresnel, Fresnel […]

How to create an aluminum material in Blender

Metals are fairly common materials to find in a Blender scene or in real life. Aluminum is quite a handy material both in real life and in Blender. With how many objects can be made out of aluminum we'll likely need to have it for a model at some point. So how can create an […]

How does the mapping node work in Blender?

Blender's shader editor is incredibly versatile as it provides a ton of nodes to create just about any material you can imagine using the combination of procedural and image textures. One essential aspect of this is transforming these textures in order to get the desired look for your material: and this can be done with […]

Changing environment textures in Blender

No matter what you are making in 3D, environment textures in Blender are incredibly useful to get quick and easy lighting or even background images to make your work more detailed or even more realistic. And the best part? It hardly takes more than a minute to set up! To change the environment texture in […]

How to change the color of an object in Blender?

Changing the color of an object in Blender can mean different things. Do we want to change the color for the final render or in the viewport? If we want to change the color in the viewport, what viewport mode are we in? Let's cut to the short version of how to change the color […]

How To Delete a Material in Blender

So you’ve just started learning Blender, you’ve got your good old friend the default cube just sitting there as you begin to model it into something show-stopping. You’ve textured it through the use of materials, but what if you change your mind? What do you do with all these extra, outdated materials now? To delete […]

How to weight paint in Blender

There are many times in Blender where we will need to setup vertex groups and weight paint, whether we're creating an armature or setting up a vertex group to distribute particles. So how do we weight paint? To Weight Paint in Blender: Select the Object to weight paint and navigate to Properties > Mesh Data […]

5 Different types of normals in Blender

We often hear about normals and normal maps when working with 3D art. You may also have heard of terms like tangent normals, object normals and world normals. Let's dive a bit deeper into these terms and explore the differences. Here are five kinds of normals we come across when doing digital 3D art: Face […]

Top 10 weight paint tips for Blender

In this article I want to cover my top 10 tips for working effectively with weight painting. You might also find something that you didn't know you could do to create the weight paint you wanted. These are the weight paint tips we will cover: Weight paint all vertices at once Clear all weight paint […]

How to assign materials to objects and faces in Blender

In this article we are going to cover how to assign materials to an object. How to assign multiple materials to different parts of the mesh contained inside the same object and assigning the same material to multiple objects. Let's get right into it and start with the basics. To assign a new material to […]

Top 5 normal map tips for Blender artists

Normal maps is commonly used in 3D art but they can seem quite complex so we may be intrigued to dive a bit deeper into them. In this article we are going to cover some tips that you can do with normal maps that may be useful in your Blender projects. These are the normal […]

Top 32 free texture libraries for Blender and 3D artists

In this article we take a look at the top places to find textures for your 3D art projects that you can use for free. Here are the top four high quality free texture sites: AmbientCG CGBookcase Polyhaven TextureNinja Scroll down for a complete list of all the 32 texture libraries. For top tire paid […]

How do you move and resize textures in Blender?

When working with image texture or procedural textures in Blender we will often want to move or resize them. So how do we do it? To move or resize a texture, navigate to the UV editing workspace and select the faces you want to edit in the 3D viewport. In the UV editor press A […]

How do you make procedural wood texture in Blender

Wood is a texture that doesn't require a too complex shader to recreate procedurally. But it can be a bit difficult to know exactly how to arrange the shader nodes. So how do we create a procedural wood texture in Blender? To create a procedural wood texture: Navigate to the Shading Workspace Create a Texture […]

How to make a wooden floor material in Blender?

Wood ends up in a lot of different scenes and models. Knowing that we may need a wood material quite often how exactly do we create one in Blender? To create a wood material in Blender, we can use premade wood image textures that we can find on several material libraries on the internet. We […]

Rotating and flipping textures in Blender

There are many times in Blender where we will need to rotate and flip textures, whether we're working with an image texture or a procedural shader. so how do we do it? To Flip a texture in Blender: Navigate to the shading workspace Connect the texture's vector through a mapping node invert the scale values […]

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