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Ambient occlusion in Blender: Everything you need to know

Ambient occlusion comes in many shapes and sizes and it can be hard to understand what it really is all about. Let's see how what and where ambient occlusion or AO as it is shortened is present in Blender and what we can do with it. Ambient occlusion is an effect that can be used […]

Blender viewport shading guide

I recently started to take deeper note about what options are available for the 3D viewport in Blender. I was accustomed to some features but I didn't know really how much choice I had and how an informative and good-looking viewport could help me make better art. To change the viewport shading mode, find the […]

How to use alpha transparent textures in Blender

When I first came across a situation when I needed a transparent image in Blender, I didn’t have any idea how to make that happen. But when I learned about shaders and the node editor, I found the answer. To use an image textures alpha channel in Blender we need to set up a material […]

A guide to Blender Eevee render settings

A render engine such as Blenders Eevee renderer has a huge amount of settings and it can sometimes be hard to know what settings are significant for any given project. In this article we will therefore take a look at most Eevee render settings and learn in what scenario we may need what setting. Blender […]

How to use Intel denoiser in Blender

Render times have come down significantly over the last couple of years. One technology that allowed this is denoising. AI can now look at an image and determine what is noise and what isn't with very good accuracy. In this article we will take a closer look atthe Intel denoiser that was recently added to Blender […]

How to create grass in Blender: The ultimate guide

There are many ways to create grass in Blender. That is probably because there are over 12.000 different species in the Poaceae family according to Wikipedia. Poaceae being just  another fancy word for grass. Apart from that grass looks complex and is everywhere. We just need a good way to recreate it for many of our […]

How to create a shadow catcher with Eevee in Blender

Let me break it to you: There is no shadow catcher for Eevee in Blender. However, we can fake a shadow catcher using the Shader to RGB node essentially making a shadowcatcher anyway. How to create a shadow catcher with Eevee in Blender? Add a plane below your object Add a material to the plane […]

How the light path node works in Blender

The light path node in Blender has always been mysterious to me. While I have found it useful, many times I have not fully understood what it does or how it does it. To finally demystify it, I studied it a bit to learn how it works. Hopefully, this article can help you learn what […]

How view layers can help you render large scenes with less memory in Blender

Sometimes the scenes we work with in Blender are so large that they don’t even fit into memory. In those cases, we get an “out of memory” error when we render in Blender. There are multiple ways to deal with this, but one way that does not have us trade away quality is view layers. […]

5 cool camera tricks in Blender

The camera object as some useful settings to get just the right angle, focal length, and depth of field, adding that nice blur and bokeh that everybody loves in photos. Today I want to focus on some features of Blenders camera.  Camera settings  Viewport display helpers  Isometric camera setup  Turntable camera  360-degree camera  Fisheye Lens  […]

How to move the camera in Blender

It hit me that to get started, how to move the camera in Blender is the most essential thing you will have to learn. In Blender there are two different entities we could refer to when talking about the camera. The viewport navigation and the camera objects within our scene. Both are important. The viewport […]

Eevee lighting interiors

In this article, the goal is to outline the key points we need to consider when dealing with lighting and reflections in EEVEE for interior scenes. For cycles, we had the luxury of plug and play with an HDRI. Often that is enough to get a good base lighting for a scene. In Eevee, it […]

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