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How and why do we apply scale in Blender?

Applying scale in Blender is a big mystery to many Blender users. Most 3D artists know that when a tool isn't working as intended, you apply the scale. But why? How and why do we apply scale? In object mode, you select your object, hit "ctrl+a" and select scale. Most commonly this is done during […]

How to solve bevel problems in Blender

I have been working with a Blender course that has over 40.000 students and one of the most common questions people have is about bevels. In this article, we will look at the most common problems that people have when it comes to beveling in Blender and how we can solve those problems. How do […]

What objects to model as a beginner 3D artist

When I began 3D modeling, I had a hard time deciding what I should model. With time though, I found out that it is a silly question, but an important one. Let’s look at what we can model and how it can help us to grow fast as beginners. What should I model in 3D? […]

30 Blender addons (install, manage, free and paid)

A Blender addon is just a piece of software that extend Blenders functionality. It can be in the form of a new tool, a new way to export a file format or a bunch of shortcuts that someone thought was a clever idea to put together. The goal of blender addons is the same: Simplify […]

How to use application templates in Blender

Since Blender is a software capable of so many things, I figured that having an interface capable of doing everything at once also clutter the experience. Ideally, we would have a system set up that would allow us to choose a workflow that we want to use and only the tools that we need would […]

Blender add-on review: UV Packmaster Pro 2

UV Packmaster Pro 2 or UVP for short, is a Blender addon that will help you pack your UV maps into the non-overlapping area or in UDIM terms called the 1001 space. I have tested UV Packmaster on Blender 2.80 release candidate and I must say that it is a very good timesaver when you are […]

How to use cryptomatte for masking in Blender

Cryptomatte is a new feature in Blender that will allow us to create masks based on materials, objects, and even groups of objects. It is the function that you never thought you needed, but once you have used it, you cannot live without. Considering how advanced masks you can make with cryptomatte, it is a […]

3D art motivation, planning, and workflow

This article is about going through an art project. Actually starting, actually doing the work and actually finish on time. That is what it’s all about. Therefore, no matter what level you are on this article will be valuable for you. We all struggle with these fundamental things at one point or another. So, before […]

Blender box mapping textures workflow

If you are like me, you are lazy. Making a UV Map for every object takes time and even if I am still sitting in my chair while doing it, it can involve an internal meltdown. Box mapping to the rescue! Box mapping is a way to project a texture onto a 3D object without […]

More than 30 Blender modeling tools explained

Blender has a large array of modeling tools. They range from modifiers to curve tools, metaballs and mesh tools. In this article, we will focus on the tools we use for mesh objects. We will look at the modeling tools in Blender, starting at the more common ones and working our way towards less common […]

The definitive tutorial to UV mapping in Blender

UV Mapping is by many considered being the most boring part of the entire 3D art pipeline. A mini game tucked right in the middle like a massive roadblock that does not fit along with all the creativity surrounding it. After having read this article however, I hope that you are one of those people […]

Pink textures in Blender and how to avoid them

Sometimes we need to open old Blend files and if the textures are not packed and we moved the textures from their original location, we may find out that our scene will display in pink when we try to render it. In this article we will explore how we can solve this problem. Pink surfaces […]

5 cool camera tricks in Blender

The camera object as some useful settings to get just the right angle, focal length, and depth of field, adding that nice blur and bokeh that everybody loves in photos. Today I want to focus on some features of Blenders camera.  Camera settings  Viewport display helpers  Isometric camera setup  Turntable camera  360-degree camera  Fisheye Lens  […]

How to move the camera in Blender

It hit me that to get started, how to move the camera in Blender is the most essential thing you will have to learn. In Blender there are two different entities we could refer to when talking about the camera. The viewport navigation and the camera objects within our scene. Both are important. The viewport […]

Boolean modifier problems and how to solve them

Booleans has risen in popularity since the new hard surface add-ons have popped up left and right. Though every time I use a Boolean in Blender, I always have this feeling of incoming crashes and meshes that just won’t do what I want it to. So, I thought an article outlining some common solutions to […]

Blender cloth simulation: Making a thick blanket

Making cloth in Blender using the cloth simulator is easy when working with flat objects. Making flags wave in the air and thin blankets fall on to couches is quick. But once you need thickness, everything suddenly becomes much harder. In this article, I want to go over a way to simulate the wavy feel […]

Eevee lighting interiors

In this article, the goal is to outline the key points we need to consider when dealing with lighting and reflections in EEVEE for interior scenes. For cycles, we had the luxury of plug and play with an HDRI. Often that is enough to get a good base lighting for a scene. In Eevee, it […]

Physically based rendering, blender nodes, with brick texture example

In the last post, physically based rendering and Blender materials, we looked at how the principled shader really works. We lay the foundation for our future material creation in Cycles and for Eevee when Blender 2.8 finally arrives. Here, we will take a close look at how this is all implemented in the node editor using image textures […]

PBR and the principled BSDF shader in Blender explained

With 2.79 the principled shader was introduced, now, much later with version 3.1 it is still the primary shader we use to create materials in Blender. Physically based rendering or PBR for short is a way for render engines such as Cycles to accurately describe a material. It lets the artist focus on the artistic […]

The ultimate reference photos workflow in a nutshell

Imagine that you have just decided what is going to be your next 3D project and you are thinking bout where to start. Well reference photos of course. You should always start with reference and you should keep them around through your whole project. Pinterest is a great tool to help you sort and organize […]

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