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How to solve bevel problems in Blender

I have been working with a Blender course that has over 40.000 students and one of the most common questions people have is about bevels. In this article, we will look at the most common problems that people have when it comes to beveling in Blender and how we can solve those problems. How do […]

What objects to model as a beginner 3D artist

When I began 3D modeling, I had a hard time deciding what I should model. With time though, I found out that it is a silly question, but an important one. Let’s look at what we can model and how it can help us to grow fast as beginners. What should I model in 3D? […]

More than 30 Blender modeling tools explained

Blender has a large array of modeling tools. They range from modifiers to curve tools, metaballs and mesh tools. In this article, we will focus on the tools we use for mesh objects. We will look at the modeling tools in Blender, starting at the more common ones and working our way towards less common […]

Boolean modifier problems and how to solve them

Booleans has risen in popularity since the new hard surface add-ons have popped up left and right. Though every time I use a Boolean in Blender, I always have this feeling of incoming crashes and meshes that just won’t do what I want it to. So, I thought an article outlining some common solutions to […]

Blender cloth simulation: Making a thick blanket

Making cloth in Blender using the cloth simulator is easy when working with flat objects. Making flags wave in the air and thin blankets fall on to couches is quick. But once you need thickness, everything suddenly becomes much harder. In this article, I want to go over a way to simulate the wavy feel […]

How to use the shear tool in Blender

This is the second tutorial in our series of short tutorials that cover one specific topic, tool or addon. This time the Blender shear tool. This tool is very useful for architectural modelling where we need to create nice angles. For instance, when you create a profile for a doorframe or window frame this tool […]

Blender F2 Addon Tutorial

The F2 add-on is one of the least feature rich add-ons in Blender, yet it remains a symbol of grand design and genius. It extends the functionality of the F key in Blenders edit mode so that you can make much simpler selections yet perform the same or better 3D modeling faster. Enable the F2 […]

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