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Creating a lens flare in the compositor in Blender

Lens flares can be a great way to spice up a render and give it a more realistic look. While we could add these effects in a separate program Blender comes with a built-in compositor that we can use to add these effects. So how do we do it? To create a lens flare in […]

How to pixelate an image using the compositor in Blender

Pixel art is a popular artform and being able to convert your renders to a pixelated version can be a cool feature. To pixelate an image or render in Blender using the compositor follow these steps: Go to the compositor and check use nodes. Add two scale nodes and a pixelate node in between. Put […]

How to create a castle in Blender using kit bashing

Sometimes when we're modeling in Blender we may want to create a much more complex scene or object such as a castle. Modeling every individual element is very time consuming for such a large an intricate object. With kit bashing we can cut a lot of the modeling out and get straight to designing the […]

How to make a glow effect in Blender?

By default when using Cycles or Eevee in Blender, there are no post-processing effects, including glow. This means that no matter how bright an object is it will not radiate that glow effect that we so often see in a regular photograph when a bright object is present. So how do we set it up? […]

How to use cycles shadow catcher in Blender

Sometimes when we're working on a project in Blender, we may want to composite our shadows separately or isolate them from the object they're being cast onto such as when we're compositing a render over a background. So how do we do that? To make an object a shadow catcher in Blender follow these steps: […]

How to use the EasyFX Blender addon

With the EasyFX add-on you can quickly add post-processing effects to your render in Blender without having to set up a compositing node graph manually. I used it for many of my quicker projects when I just need something to show, but it is also great for creating a starting point for further post-processing in […]

How to change the background in Blender?

When talking about backgrounds in Blender, we may mean different things. But the most common is that we want to change the background for our finished render. To change the background in Blender we need to adjust the world material. This is a special material that is only applied to the world background. Let's continue […]

Blender Eevee Motion Blur guide

For quite some time I have encountered forum threads and twitter accounts asking about motion blur in Eevee. With the 2.90 release this is now finally possible. Motion blur can be turned on for Eevee by going to the render settings and check the box on the motion blur section. Motion blur in Eevee is […]

Ambient occlusion in Blender: Everything you need to know

Ambient occlusion comes in many shapes and sizes and it can be hard to understand what it really is all about. Let's see how what and where ambient occlusion or AO as it is shortened is present in Blender and what we can do with it. Ambient occlusion is an effect that can be used […]

A guide to Blender Eevee render settings

A render engine such as Blenders Eevee renderer has a huge amount of settings and it can sometimes be hard to know what settings are significant for any given project. In this article we will therefore take a look at most Eevee render settings and learn in what scenario we may need what setting. Blender […]

How to use bloom with Cycles in Blender

We can't use Bloom the same way we do in Eevee since Cycles does not have a bloom feature built into the render engine. Instead, we add the bloom effect in post-production. This is how we can do it. After your render has finished, go to the compositing workspace and check "use nodes". Between the […]

How to use Intel denoiser in Blender

Render times have come down significantly over the last couple of years. One technology that allowed this is denoising. AI can now look at an image and determine what is noise and what isn't with very good accuracy. In this article we will take a closer look atthe Intel denoiser that was recently added to Blender […]

How view layers can help you render large scenes with less memory in Blender

Sometimes the scenes we work with in Blender are so large that they don’t even fit into memory. In those cases, we get an “out of memory” error when we render in Blender. There are multiple ways to deal with this, but one way that does not have us trade away quality is view layers. […]

How to use cryptomatte for masking in Blender

Cryptomatte is a new feature in Blender that will allow us to create masks based on materials, objects, and even groups of objects. It is the function that you never thought you needed, but once you have used it, you cannot live without. Considering how advanced masks you can make with cryptomatte, it is a […]

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