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How to change editor in Blender?

Learning how the interface works in Blender primarily comes down to learning the terminology of each part. When we have a project open, we have the application window. Within the application window we have workspaces that we can manage using the tabs at the top of the application window. Within a workspace we have multiple […]

How to change the color of an object in Blender?

Changing the color of an object in Blender can mean different things. Do we want to change the color for the final render or in the viewport? If we want to change the color in the viewport, what viewport mode are we in? Let's cut to the short version of how to change the color […]

How to change the language in Blender

Are you having trouble navigating Blender in your native language? Changing the language in Blender is actually quite easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. In this article, we will walk you through the process of changing the language of the Blender interface, and the benefits of doing so. To change […]

How to change the active camera in Blender?

Whenever we're doing any sort of 3D rendering in Blender, we'll need to use cameras. One detail about cameras that can be a bit confusing is the active camera system. To change the active camera in Blender: Navigate to the properties window > scene properties and to the scene tab. Under the scene tab click […]

Blender viewport navigation shortcuts

There are quite a few viewport navigation shortcuts in Blender that can make navigation easier and much quicker. So how do we access these shortcuts? To find the viewport navigation shortcuts we can go to the View dropdown and there we will find all the navigations options with their shortcuts displayed next to them if […]

Annotations in Blender (Create, delete, shortcuts, settings)

Annotations in Blender is primraily a tool that help you sketch out ideas and draft in Blender. For example, if you want to draw in Blenders various editors to explain something or to quickly write down a few notes. To use the annotation tool in Blender, press T on your keyboard to toggle the right-side […]

Shortcut to center view or focus object in Blender

When working in Blender we are going to be moving the camera quite a bit. The main way of doing this is to center the view on an object or on the scene. So how do we center our view on something in Blender? To Center our view on an object in Blender Navigate to […]

How and why to use EXR in Blender

EXR is one of the many image formats Blender can export. It can allow us to include multiple layers in one image and can hold much more information and is therefore useful when doing compositing and post-processing of the image. So how do we use EXR in Blender? To use the EXR format follow these […]

How to Combine and Separate Meshes in Blender: A Complete Guide

A crucial skill when working with 3D art is to be able to manage our objects and organizing them. This includes separating and combining them in several ways. So how do we merge and separate objects in Blender? We can merge objects in object mode by holding shift while selecting them and pressing Ctrl+J to […]

Shortcut for vertex, edge, and face select in Blender

Learning shortcuts need to be carried out often is crucial for saving time for more important tasks. And what's one of the most repetitive tasks while modeling in Blender? That's right- switching between vertex, edge, and face select modes. In the latest Blender version, in edit mode, use the number row 1, 2, and 3 […]

How to add a shortcut in Blender

When you are new to a software, things can take a little more time. You know what you want to do, but you just don’t really know where the option for that is. Through time, you find yourself using the same tools and settings repeatedly and having to locate them. To speed up the work, […]

How to weight paint in Blender

There are many times in Blender where we will need to setup vertex groups and weight paint, whether we're creating an armature or setting up a vertex group to distribute particles. So how do we weight paint? To Weight Paint in Blender: Select the Object to weight paint and navigate to Properties > Mesh Data […]

Top 10 weight paint tips for Blender

In this article I want to cover my top 10 tips for working effectively with weight painting. You might also find something that you didn't know you could do to create the weight paint you wanted. These are the weight paint tips we will cover: Weight paint all vertices at once Clear all weight paint […]

How to create a castle in Blender using kit bashing

Sometimes when we're modeling in Blender we may want to create a much more complex scene or object such as a castle. Modeling every individual element is very time consuming for such a large an intricate object. With kit bashing we can cut a lot of the modeling out and get straight to designing the […]

Exporting and importing FBX in Blender

FBX is one of the most common file formats used to move 3D models and assets between different applications. When using Blender together with other software there are many cases where we will need to import and export FBX files. Whether that be for exporting a model to a game engine or other some other […]

Exporting and importing OBJ files in Blender

When transferring three-dimensional (3D) content across devices or platforms, a common file format to use is OBJ. Blender supports exporting and importing OBJ files, as does many other 3D software. To export or import an OBJ file in Blender, in the top left corner click File > Export/Import > Wavefront (.obj). Continue reading to learn […]

How to use the asset browser in Blender

One of the newer features in Blender is a built-in Asset Browser that helps us organize and manage our assets. The asset browser makes it much easier to access premade models, materials, worlds and animations. Making the process of adding assets to our scene as simple as dragging and dropping them in. Here is how […]

Importing and Exporting Collada(.dae) in Blender

When importing and exporting models in Blender there are many formats to choose from, sometimes the format that you'll need to use is DAE also known as collada. Whether you're looking to import or export, here is how to do it. To Import a .dae file first navigate to file > import > dae select […]

Blender: Empty objects explained

When I first started out using Blender, empties were a completely foreign topic to me. I had no idea why they would be useful. Today, I can't remember when I last did a project that didn't involve empties. An empty object is often just called an empty in Blender or empties for multiple empty objects. […]

How parenting works in Blender

Sometimes we need a way to group objects so that they can work as a single unit when we transform them. In those cases, parenting can be a great option. You can parent one object to another by following these steps: Select multiple objects. The last selected object will be the active object. Press Ctrl+P […]

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